Reo Hirata and Dimiter S. Ialnazov (2024) Corporate environmental behavior toward sustainable development: Motivations, benefits, and challenges of ISO 14001 adoption at Japanese subsidiaries in Thailand, Business Strategy & Development, 7(3), e70015.
Reo Hirata and Dimiter S. Ialnazov (2024) Stakeholder Initiatives Towards the Promotion of Environmental Management in Thailand: A Symposium with Japanese Subsidiaries, Academia and the Government, Japan Forum of Business and Society Annals, 13, 70-78 [in Japanese].
Reo Hirata, Dimiter S. Ialnazov, Fumiharu Mieno (2023) Corporate governance characteristics of Japanese manufacturing companies and ISO 14001 adoption by their subsidiaries in Thailand, Current Research in Environmental Sustainability, (6), 100236, 1-10.
Doctoral Dissertation
Reo Hirata (2024) A Study on Corporate Environmental Behavior toward Sustainability: Motivations, Benefits and Challenges of ISO 14001 Adoption at Japanese Subsidiaries in Thailand, Kyoto University. [in English]
〈Research Note〉
Reo Hirata and Dimiter S. Ialnazov (2024) Research on ISO 14001 adoption toward transdisciplinarity and Human Survivability Studies, (4), 114-117. < download from here >
〈Without peer-reviewed paper in Japanese〉
平田礼王「開発支援と平和構築の間 -ミンダナオ紛争を通して-」『2018年度 FLP国際協力プログラム 伊藤ゼミ 論文集』中央大学 pp.93-132 (2019).
平田礼王「ASEANコンセンサス方式の意義」『2018年度 中島ゼミ論文集』中央大学法学部 pp.45-72 (2019).
太田恵、中村悠希、平田礼王、藤田菜那、藤本幸暉、松井友美「FLP佐々木Bゼミ・少数民族班 〜ロヒンギャ問題の真相〜」『FLP国際協力 佐々木Bゼミ 現地調査報告書』中央大学 pp.59-83 (2018).
2023年度 (*査読有・**English)
*/**◯R. Hirata and Dimiter Ialnazov, "ISO 14001 Adoption at Japanese Subsidiaries in Thailand: The Role of Local Stakeholders" 12th International Symposium on Human Survivability, Kyoto Univeritity, Japan, 6th November, 2023. (Poster Presentation)
**◯R. Hirata, "Environmental Management at Japanese Subsidiaries in Thailand", Social Implementation of Research on the Environmental Management at Japanese Subsidiaries in Thailand -Collaboration between Industry, Academia and the Government-, Chulalongkorn Univeritity, Thailand, 30th June, 2023. (Oral Presentation)
2022年度以前 (*査読有・**English)
*/**◯R. Hirata・D. Ialnazov, "The Factors that Japanese Subsidiaries in Thailand Conduct Environmental Management: From Perspective of Parent Company Governance", 環境経済・政策学会, オンライン 1st and 2nd October, 2022. (Oral Presentation, Speed Talk session)
*/**◯Reo Hirata, Dimiter Ialnazov and Fumiharu Mieno, “Corporate Governance and Environmental Management: Evidence from Japanese Subsidiaries in Thailand”, The 17th East Asian Economic Association International Convention, Sunway University, Malaysia, 27th-28th August 2022. (Oral Presentation)
*/**◯平田礼王 「日系タイ子会社による環境経営の現地要因に関する研究」The Japan Society for International Development (JASID), Research Meeting at Kyoto-Shiga Branch, Kyoto (Hybrid) 15th May 2022. (Oral Presentation)
◯平田礼王「グローバル企業の環境経営タイの事例から」JX金属ワークショップ, 東京, 2022.03.18. (Oral Presentation)
◯平田礼王「タイの日系企業子会社の環境行動に関する研究」大学院教育改革フォーラム2021, オンライン 2022.01.08. (Poster Presentation)
**◯Reo HIRATA, “Comments for Green Management and Creating Shared Value for Sustainable Development Goals”, GSAIS Mini workshop, Kyoto, Japan, 25th November 2020. (Oral Presentation)
◯平田礼王「タイに進出する日本企業子会社のISO14001の導入要因について」SDGsを実現する未来ビジョン研究会(第3回), オンライン, 2021.01.26. (Oral Presentation)
**◯Reo HIRATA, “Experiences as ALSA International Board Member and Career Impact” Career & Leadership Talkshow ALSA Conference 2020 Seoul, Korea, 4th February 2020.(Invited speaker)
*/**◯Reo HIRATA, “Can Green Growth Help Reduce Inequality in Thailand?”, Poster Presentation at the 8th International Symposium on Human Survivability, “Human Survivability Studies (HSS) and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Asia”, Kyoto, Japan, 7th November 2019. (Poster Presentation)
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